The mixed fried fish
The mixed fried fish , prepared with shrimp , squid and fish mixed , is a dish of sea appreciated by young and old . The fish , which has to be dry and floured with flour made from durum wheat semolina , after frying will be crisp and golden on the outside and soft inside . We accompanied this fried fish with a mixture of vegetables in small strips and fries !

Our cookery is a gastronomic laboratory in constant evolution, with particular care on our traditional recipes from Liguria. The fundamentals are genuine and simple ingredients, belonging from our territory. We strongly suggest you to taste the typical fragrant focaccia from Liguria and the fantastic and unique “pesto alla Genovese”.
Our chef proposes rich surprises. By the time of your awakening you will find a magnificent breakfast buffet, by lunch and dinner time you will have a wide menu at your disposal: choose between fresh fish and meat without giving up the renowned vegetables buffet, and the homemade cakes buffet.

Bavette al pesto, patate e fagiolini
Le bavette al pesto, fagiolini e patate è una versione piuttosto antica e arricchita della pasta con pesto, che potete gustare nei locali di cucina tipica in Liguria, e viene definita pesto ricco (o avvantaggiato).
L’aggiunta di patate e fagiolini rende davvero appetitosa questa pietanza che piacerà moltissimo anche ai vegetariani.